NYAIR Episode 34 – Total Return Swaps & How Investors Can Use Them to Boost Returns

Derivatives can be effective vehicles to transfer risk or gain exposure to an underlying asset without having to buy or sell the asset.  A Total Return Swap (TRS) is an agreement between two parties to transfer the total economic exposure, including both market and credit risk, of the underlying asset which is generally an equity index, bonds,…

NYAIR Episode 33 – The Challenges Alternative Investments Face Among Public Pension Funds

Jonathan Tritcher, Republican candidate for New York State Comptroller, shares his thoughts on some of the issues and concerns faced by public pension plans when it comes to investing in alternative investments. Having begun his career in government, communications and politics, Mr. Tritcher developed an expertise in public finance that led to him being recruited…

NYAIR Episode 32 – How Alternative Data is Changing Discretionary Investment

Alternative data, or “big data,” refers to massive quantities of complex, and often obscure, information about individual companies or industries that is analyzed by computer programs. As the alternative investment community has begun to embrace alternative data as part of its investment approach, it is important to understand some of the ways this new type…

NYAIR Episode 30 – A Billionaire’s Ambition with Author Chris McNickle

Author of Bloomberg: A Billionaire’s Ambition, Chris McNickle, will discuss the bipartisan legacy of a remarkable billionaire politician and how a successful entrepreneur was elected mayor of New York City and what he did with the power he won. While his time in office was not without controversy, Bloomberg has made vast improvements and changes in the…

NYAIR Episode 27 – From Cybersecurity, to Artificial Intelligence –The Impact of Technology

Episode#27 of the New York Alternative Investment Roundtable’s podcast series features a panel of technology experts that discusses the rapidly changing ways that the alternative investment community does business and what they should be aware of –from regulatory and compliance considerations; to cybersecurity; big data; cloud computing and storage; artificial intelligence; machine learning; distributed ledger and…

NYAIR Episode 26 – Tips From a Former FBI Agent on Building Trust With Due Diligence

Given how easily a company’s reputation, and in turn its business, can be tarnished, due diligence has become more important than ever. Learn about some of the key things that investors should be focusing on and asking CEOs about before investing in any company. Former FBI agent and certified fraud examiner Kenneth S. Springer, founder…

NYAIR Episode 25 – Cybersecurity: What the Buyside Needs to Know

With hackers and cybercrime becoming ever more sophisticated, cybersecurity has become an increasingly important issue for the alternative investment industry. Learn about some of the issues regarding cybercrime that are specific to the alternative investment industry and, in particular, the buy-side from an expert on the topic. Russell Sommers, a Senior Manager with Baker Tilly…

NYAIR Episode 24 – Implications of the Tax Reform Package: Insights & Considerations for 2018 & Beyond

In honor of International Women’s Day, the Roundtable’s March event featured an all-female panel of experts from within the alternative investment industry who discussed some of the implications of the tax reform legislation for the alternative industry and beyond. Panelists touched on both the short-term and long-term implications of the changes for corporations pass-through entities…

NYAIR Episode 23 – U.S. Tax Reform: Opportunities & Challenges

David Sites, a partner with Grant Thornton’s Washington D.C. National Tax Office who leads the firm’s International Tax Technical practice, discusses the U. S. Tax Reform and some of its implications. Mr. Sites has been practicing in public accounting since 1999 and has been with Grant Thornton LLP since 2002. He focuses his practice on…

NYAIR Episode 22 – The Idea of the Abdication of American Influence in the World & the Consequences for U.S. Security and Prosperity

Former Republican senator Richard Lugar discusses his thoughts on the consequences of the Trump administration’s foreign policy and the long term impact he believes it will have on the U.S. and other countries around the world. *The New York Alternative Investment Roundtable does not take any political positions, welcomes diversity of perspective at its events…

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