NYHFR Episode 13 – Key Trends Impacting Hedge Funds, Private Equity & Real Assets
The world of alternative investments continues to grow and change. Nearly $10 trillion in assets have flowed into the alternative investments industry in the last fifteen years. Now AI is starting to show up in mutual funds and ETFs. What might the future hold?
Keith Black, PhD and a managing director of curriculum and exams for the CAIA Association, shares his thoughts on some of the most significant trends currently impacting hedge funds, private equity and real assets and what they mean for the alternative investment industry in a conversation with Robert Akeson, COO of Mirae Asset Securities (USA). Having previously advised foundations, endowments and pension funds on their asset allocation and manager selection strategies in hedge funds, commodities and managed futures for Ennis Knupp + Associates, Mr. Black has a deep understanding of many of the most important issues facing the alternative investment industry.