Baker Tilly’s 2021 cyber predictions e-book

Through a global pandemic and political unrest, the dangers of cyber threats only seemed to grow in number. Where once the prevailing vision of cyber threat conjured up images of hooded hackers working to access our personal data, now the hackers are maturing, harnessing machine learning in ways that are much more effective and efficient than any one bad actor.

And while this past year was impossible to predict in virtually every sense, but we are pleased to report that we did a pretty good job on our 2020 cyber prognostications. Baker Tilly’s global forensics cyber team also had a great year, ranking fourth among cyber risk service providers, according to Insurance Insider. We are proud to be the only forensic accounting firm included in the 2020 rankings.

From ransom payments to insurance coverage, and IT investment to the often overlooked culprits, read more on our 2021 Cyber Predictions that will impact insureds and their insurers alike.