The Status of Coronavirus Vaccines

A webinar from Asset Managers Tech featuring a presentation from Stanley Zaborowski, M.D. and moderated by AMT’s Joe Sack.

Lead in to this Zoom Presentation:

  • Most investment management professionals have been working from home since March, 2020 as a result of COVID – 19.
  • Most business executives believe working from home will be materially impacted by anticipated coronavirus vaccines and herd immunity in 2021. Will coronavirus be more under control in our society by virtue of these highly anticipated vaccines? (The start of flu season in the U.S. this fall is also relevant to what may occur regarding prospective COVID – 19 vaccines.)
  • Asset Managers Tech (AMT) is providing a new resource for its trade group members and the asset management community; namely, professional medical updates by Dr. Stanley Zaborowski concerning the status of Coronavirus Vaccines and Herd Immunity.
  • Senior Executives responsible for investment management businesses absolutely need essential information and expert assessments of the status of these new vaccines that are being developed; and, in turn, may be approved for doctors and nurses and possibly older patients by our regulatory authorities relatively soon. Formal vaccine approvals for all in need, in the view of many expert observers and relevant administrative or Governmental officials, will likely occur in the Q1 / Q2, 2021 timeframe.
  • Dr. Stanley Zaborowski has extensive experience in the State of New Jersey on the “front lines” of treating patients in connection with infectious viruses. Dr. Zaborowski also serves as an adviser to local government officials in several suburban communities in NJ.
  • AMT has invited Dr. Zaborowski to participate in its trade group educational initiatives to assist in “getting the word out” to financial services professionals regarding timely information and data about developments relating to the production and availability of coronavirus vaccines in the U.S. and globally.
  • Naturally, we at AMT look forward to an on-going dialogue with all our constituents regarding the goals associated with this initiative. JS, 9/17/20

CLICK HERE to see this presentation on what lies ahead at this juncture for financial services professionals & investment management firms when it comes to reversing and eliminating the tragic consequences being caused by COVID – 19.