Join New York Alternative Investment Roundtable in partnership with the Thomas R. Brigandi Foundation at their invitation-only 2024 Complimentary Holiday Reception & 2025 Investment Outlook to mix and mingle with hundreds of fellow NYC-based investment professionals and hear from asset owner, policymaker and institutional investment consultant senior leaders on what to expect from markets in 2025. 

Please arrive by 5:30 PM, as we will begin the 75 minute content portion of the evening promptly at 6:00 PM with our Opening Keynote Address. The content portion of the evening will also include a 30 minute 2025 outlook lightning round panel featuring industry-leading asset allocator and investment consultant executives. We will conclude the 75 minute content portion of the evening with an alternative investments-focused closing keynote fireside chat.

The reception portion of the evening, where complimentary food and drinks will be served, will take place directly after the 75 minute content portion of the evening. Registration for this event, which will be held under Chatham House rules, will be limited due to fire-code capacity. The last in-person Holiday Reception in 2023 received over 950 requests for invitations, with over 300 asset owner, buy-side and sell-side investment professionals registered. Collectively, registered investment professionals for that event represented organizations that have over 80 trillion dollars of assets under ownership, assets under advisory and assets under management across asset allocators, investment consultants and asset managers.

This event is open to all New York Alternative Investment Roundtable Members and Annual Sponsors.

Registration will open October 1st.