
Program Content:Public and private companies alike face pressure from investors and other stakeholders for increased transparency and progress on ESG issues. The SEC has issued proposed rules on climate change disclosure and cybersecurity, with additional ESG-related proposed disclosures expected. In the near term, many companies are not waiting for regulation to implement ESG and climate-related programs and disclosures. In turn, directors and management have an important role in ensuring the disclosed information is balanced and not misleading.

Join us for this webcast in which our panel will provide an overview of the evolving disclosure landscape, and guests will discuss the actions their companies are taking from the C-Suite and director perspectives, providing a view of the impact on both public and private entities.

Learning objectives

  • Identify the core areas of focus in the SEC proposed disclosure rules
  • Describe steps the csuite and directors can take to address evolving ESG risks and opportunities
  • Analyze the impact of climate governance on public and private businesses


  • Janet Malzone, National Managing Partner, Audit Services, Grant Thornton LLP
  • Marjorie Whittaker, Managing Director, ESG & Sustainability Services, Grant Thornton LLP
  • Kimberly N. Ellison-Taylor, CEO, KET Solutions, LLC; Independent Board Director – EverCommerce, and U.S. Bank
  • Brad Korch, Senior Vice President and Head of Investor Relations, EverCommerce

Recommended Field of Study: Accounting
Program Level: Overview
Prerequisite: N/A
Delivery Method: Group – Internet

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