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Dr. David E. McClean

David is Founder and Principal of DMA Consulting Group, a financial services consultancy focusing on enterprise risk and regulatory compliance. He founded DMA in 1992. He is also a partner, Longship Alternative Asset Management. David has over thirty years of experience in financial services, which runs across the buy and sell sides of the industry: broker-dealers, futures firms, mutual funds, hedge funds, private equity, and investment advisers. Of late, he has employed his experience on a pro bono basis, serving as independent director for Impact@Africa (based in Nairobi, Kenya) and RSF Social Finance (based in San Francisco). He is Senior Lecturer in business ethics and philosophy at Rutgers University, Newark, and is author of several books, including Wall Street: Reforming the Unreformable – An Ethical Perspective. His newest book, Understanding and Combating Global Corruption, will be released in the fall of 2021. David is also a member of the Board of Trustees of The New School, and the Board of Governors of The New School for Social Research, in Manhattan, serving on the Finance and Academic Affairs committees.